PRESS RELEASE 5 April 2019
CEFA is delighted that, in Tuesday’s budget, the Australian Government allocated $2 million to fund stage 2 of the Australian Constitution Centre at the High Court. The aim is to increase the public’s understanding of Australia’s democracy and political system.
Education Minister Dan Tehan stated in his letter to CEFA’s Chairman General Jeffery “The Centre will receive $1 million in funding in the 2019-20 financial year and a further $1 million in the 2020-21 financial year. Your stewardship of the Centre will see it lead the way in educating Australians about constitutional matters and systems of government”.
This funding will add further multimedia exhibits at the High Court and provide greater outreach through an enhanced website and apps. These digital developments will ensure that school children across the nation will learn the essentials about our Constitution in a fun, exciting and truly memorable way.
The structure and fundamentals of our system of government are outlined in our Constitution. But the Constitution itself can be quite hard to comprehend.
The Australian Constitution Centre pulls apart the Constitution and its story and explains it through the six foundation Principles found within the text. These are democracy, the rule of law, separation of powers, federalism, nationhood and rights. Our coloured thematic approach to these Principles allows visitors at the Exhibition to follow the trails around the High Court and examine different sections of the Constitution. The Centre explores the role of the Court and the 13 Chief Justices since 1903, with selected cases from each decade.
CEFA Chairman Major General Michael Jeffery stated “The Australian Constitution Centre education program covers the history and contemporary relevance of the Australian Constitution including how it works on a daily basis. Topics are designed for each school year in support of the Australian Curriculum. Each year level has support lessons such as for the years 3 and 7 Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) curriculum, years 8 to 10 history and years 11 and 12 legal studies. Teachers, including university students studying to be teachers, are ready for complete and integrated resources provided by one reliable source. Such a civics education program is not offered by any other institution in Australia”.
It is crucial that all Australian school students learn about our Constitution and system of government before they become voters. CEFA is leading the way in educating young Australians about the Constitution and in civics and citizenship. CEFA is most grateful to the Australian Government and particularly to Education Minister Tehan for its great vision in supporting this vital national imperative.
For all enquiries please contact Kerry Jones on 0417 213 228 or kerry@cefa.org.au.