Judging Panel

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Each year, distinguished Australians serve on the Judging Panel for the finalists of the Governor-General’s Undergraduate Essay Prize.

The 2020-21 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon. Justice Michelle Gordon AC (Chair)
    High Court of Australia
  • Professor Cheryl Saunders AO
    Laureate Professor Emeritus, University of Melbourne
  • Emeritus Professor H P Lee
    Monash University
  • Mr George Harris
    Partner, Baker & McKenzie

The 2018-19 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon. Justice Geoffrey Nettle AC (Chair)
    High Court of Australia
  • Professor the Honourable Marilyn Warren AC, QC
    Vice-Chancellor's Professorial Fellow, Office of the VC & President at Monash University
  • Emeritus Professor H P Lee
    Monash University
  • Mr George Harris
    Partner, Baker & McKenzie

The 2016-17 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon. Justice Stephen Gageler AC (Chair)
    High Court of Australia
  • The Hon Brendan Nelson AO BMBS FRACP (HON) FAMA FRSN
    Director of the Australian War Memorial
  • Professor Fiona Wheeler
    Professor of Law and Associate Dean of the ANU College of Law, ANU
  • Mr George Harris
    Partner, Baker & McKenzie

The 2015 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon. Justice Patrick Keane AC (Chair)
    High Court of Australia
  • The Hon. Dame Quentin Bryce AD CVO
    Former Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
  • Professor Peter Gerangelos
    Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Sydney
  • Mr George Harris
    Partner, Baker & McKenzie

The 2013-14 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon. Justice Susan Kiefel AC (Chair)
    High Court of Australia
  • Professor Nicholas Aroney
    Australian Research Council Future Fellow, University of Queensland
  • Mr George Harris
    Partner, Baker & McKenzie
  • Ms Shireen Morris
    Policy Advisor and Constitutional Reform Research Fellow, Cape York Institute

The 2012 panel consisted of:

  •  The Hon Justice Kenneth Hayne AC (Chair)
    Justice of the High Court of Australia
  • Professor Peter Gerangelos
    Professor of Law, University of Sydney Law School
  • Mr George Harris 
    Partner, Baker & Mckenzie
  • Dr Peter Johnston
    Senior Barrister, Constitutional Law Lecturer and Author)
  • Professor HP Lee 
    Sir John Latham Professor of Law, Monash University
  • The Hon Justice Pamela Tate 
    Justice of the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court Victoria

The 2011 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon Justice William Gummow AC
    Justice of the High Court of Australia
  • Professor Simon Evans
    Professor of Law, University of Melbourne
  • The Hon Stephen Gageler SC
    (Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
  • Mr Andrew Salgo
    Partner, Baker & McKenzie
  • Professor Fiona Wheeler
    Professor of Law and Associate Dean of the ANU College of Law, ANU
  • Mrs Kerry Jones
    Executive Director of Constitution Education Fund Australia (CEFA)

The 2010 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon Justice Virginia Bell AC
    Justice of the High Court of Australia
  • Dr Peter Gerangelos
    Professor of Law, University of Sydney Law School
  • Mr Michael Sexton SC
    Solicitor-General of New South Wales
  • Father Frank Brennan
    Professor of Law, Australian Catholic University
  • Mr George Harris
    Partner, Baker & McKenzie
  • Mrs Kerry Jones
    Executive Director, Constitution Education Fund Australia

The 2009 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon Chief Justice Robert French AC 
    Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia
  • Professor Gillian Triggs 
    Dean, University of Sydney Law School
  • Professor George Williams 
    Anthony Mason Professor, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales
  • Professor Peter Gerangelos 
    Associate Professor, University of Sydney Law School
  • Professor Patrick Keyzer 
    Director, Centre for Law, Governance and Public Policy, Faculty of Law, Bond University

The 2008 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon Justice Dyson Heydon AC
  • Dame Leonie Kramer AC DBE
  • Mr Malcolm Mackerras AO
  • Dr Peter Gerangelos
  • Mrs Kerry Jones

The 2007 panel consisted of:

  • The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG
  • Professor Patrick Keyzer
  • Professor George Winterton

The 2006 Panel consisted of:

  • The Hon Justice Susan Crennan AC
  • The Hon Sir Guy Green AC KBE CVO
  • Professor George Winterton

The 2005 Panel Consisted of :

  • The Hon Justice Ian Callinan AC
  • Dr John Hirst
  • Professor George Winterton

The 2004 Panel consised of:

  • The Hon Justice Dyson Heydon AC
  • The Hon Sir Guy Green AC KBE CVO
  • Professor George Winterton