CCF – Executive Government

Over the past week or so with thousands of Syrian refugees on the move in Europe and the media coverage of the drowning of little Aylan Kurdi in Turkey, there has been a huge reaction to the refugee crisis in Syria throughout the world.

At the July COAG meeting in Sydney it was announced that the Northern Territory would push towards becoming a State in 2018. Northern Territory Chief Minister Adam Giles said that the Territory was a “second class citizen” that had a “second-tier status in the nation”.

Recently we witnessed a set of events in Greece that have been described as very strange. A “referendum” was called to give the people of Greece a choice about whether to accept a bail-out deal from their creditors.

Social media photo

The practice of publically criticising politicians has a long history and goes back as far as ancient Athens with their ostracism. Technological advances give us the opportunity to continue this practice via social media.

As the debate about Indigenous Constitutional recognition intensifies we appear to be moving to a possible referendum. It is therefore time for CEFA to disseminate information on how referendums work under the Australian Constitution.